Food for thought

We always tend to in communication, add a quote or a saying, followed by food for thought. 

But on considering such as I continue composing and writing my next endeavour...

What is essential to us as writers? Literally good food for thought! 

But where do we get the time from? We must take a break from the computer or pen, to nourish the brain with good fuel and with a good healthy set of vitamins and minerals we feel energised and inspired....

So for me I intend to share a little of what I prepare to eat, not really a recipe but just ideas of how I eat, as I prefer to create in the kitchen as opposed to follow any recipe. According to the food offers of the week combined with my feeling of the moment whilst in the kitchen.

My main meal today, made good use of my slow cooker in which I placed some olive oil, garlic, some rinsed chicken thighs skin side down, adding to half some boiling water, oregano, black pepper and half a chile pepper. Leaving the cooker to its own devices for a few hours....

After about two hours, prepared some sweet potatoes simmering gently on the stove in water, until soft when a knife is passed through them.. Preparing a side salad of sliced avocado, baby tomatoes, sliced red peppers, lettuce garnished with lime juice.

All served together, including a wonderful mixed gravy and natural juices from the seasoned chicken... y voila...
Thanks for reading, more to come comments welcome

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